Recruitment Agency Startup Checklist

essential checklist for your new recruitment businessA recruitment agency startup checklist is a comprehensive set of tasks and considerations that an aspiring entrepreneur should go through when starting their own recruitment agency.

The checklist typically includes essential steps such as conducting market research to identify target markets and competitors, creating a business plan that outlines the agency’s mission, vision, and strategies, and registering the business with the appropriate local authorities.

It also includes tasks related to branding and marketing, such as developing a brand identity, building a professional website, and setting up social media profiles to establish an online presence.

Additionally, the checklist may include items related to legal and financial aspects, such as obtaining the necessary licenses and permits, setting up financial systems, and securing appropriate insurance coverage to protect the business.

Another important aspect of a recruitment agency startup checklist is building a strong network and relationships within the industry. This may involve establishing partnerships with other businesses, networking with professionals in the field, and attending industry events and conferences to build contacts. Additionally, the checklist may include tasks related to developing effective recruitment and screening processes, creating contracts and agreements for clients and candidates, and setting up systems for candidate database management and tracking.

Compliance with relevant labor laws and regulations is also a critical consideration, and the checklist may include tasks related to understanding and adhering to legal requirements for recruitment agencies, such as equal employment opportunity (EEO) laws, data privacy regulations, and anti-discrimination laws. By following a thorough recruitment agency startup checklist, aspiring entrepreneurs can ensure that they have covered all the essential aspects of starting and running a successful recruitment agency

The essential checklist for your new recruitment business

This crucial checklist will help any new recruitment company get off to the right start and make sure all the essentials are taken care of. If you’re starting your own recruitment agency, this blog is essential reading.

Legal structure

Deciding on the legal structure for a recruitment agency is a crucial step in the startup checklist. There are several options to choose from, including a sole trader business, partnership, Limited Liability Partnership (LLP), or Limited Company. A sole trader business is the simplest and most straightforward structure, where the owner operates the business as an individual and has full control and responsibility. A partnership involves two or more individuals sharing ownership, responsibilities, and profits of the business.

An LLP is a legal entity separate from its partners, providing limited liability to its owners, while allowing them to participate in managing the business. A Limited Company, on the other hand, is a separate legal entity with limited liability, and its ownership is divided into shares held by shareholders.

The choice of legal structure depends on various factors, such as the business goals, risk management, tax implications, and growth plans. For instance, a sole trader business may be suitable for a small-scale operation with minimal legal and financial complexities, but it also exposes the owner to unlimited personal liability.

Partnerships can offer shared decision-making and resources but may have similar liability risks. LLPs and Limited Companies provide limited liability protection, which can help safeguard personal assets, but also come with more complex legal and financial requirements.

Consulting with legal and financial professionals is recommended to make an informed decision on the appropriate legal structure for a recruitment agency startup, considering the specific circumstances and goals of the business.

Choose a name and form your business

Choosing a name and forming the business is an exciting step in the recruitment agency startup checklist. The name of the business should reflect the agency’s brand, values, and services, and it’s essential to ensure that the chosen name is not already in use by another business. Conducting a thorough search to verify the availability of the chosen name and registering it with the appropriate local authorities is an important legal requirement.

Additionally, forming the business involves selecting the appropriate legal structure, such as sole trader, partnership, LLP, or Limited Company, as discussed earlier. This decision should be based on careful consideration of factors such as liability protection, tax implications, and long-term business goals.

Registering the business with the relevant government agencies and obtaining any necessary licenses and permits is also critical to ensure compliance with local laws and regulations.

Seeking legal and financial advice, and working with a qualified professional, can help ensure that the name and business structure are chosen and established correctly to set the recruitment agency up for success.

Shareholders agreement

A shareholders agreement is a legally binding document that outlines the rights, responsibilities, and obligations of shareholders in a recruitment agency that is structured as a Limited Company. It is an important component of the startup checklist as it helps establish clear guidelines for the relationship between shareholders and ensures smooth operations of the business.

The shareholders agreement typically covers topics such as the distribution of profits and dividends, decision-making processes, dispute resolution mechanisms, and the transfer or sale of shares. It may also include provisions related to the appointment and removal of directors, restrictions on share transfers, and non-competition clauses to protect the interests of the business.

A well-drafted shareholders agreement can provide clarity and protection for all shareholders, minimise potential conflicts, and help the business run smoothly by setting expectations and defining the rights and responsibilities of shareholders.

How are you going to run your accounts?

Seeking support from a qualified accountant is a crucial step in the recruitment agency startup checklist. A qualified accountant can provide valuable expertise and guidance on various financial aspects of starting and running a recruitment agency, ensuring compliance with relevant tax laws, financial regulations, and accounting practices.

They can help with tasks such as setting up appropriate financial systems, preparing financial statements, managing cash flow, and creating budgets and financial forecasts. An accountant can also provide advice on tax planning strategies, such as optimizing deductions and credits, managing payroll, and navigating complex tax codes.

They can assist with registering the business for appropriate taxes, obtaining necessary permits and licenses, and maintaining accurate financial records to fulfill legal and regulatory requirements. Additionally, an accountant can offer insights and recommendations on financial strategies to help the recruitment agency achieve its financial goals and grow successfully.

Collaborating with a qualified accountant can provide essential financial expertise and support, helping the recruitment agency establish a strong financial foundation and set up for long-term success.

Are you going to charge VAT?

In the UK, recruitment agency services are generally subject to Value Added Tax (VAT) at the standard rate, which is currently 20%. However, there are certain exemptions and special rules that may apply depending on the nature of the services provided and the specific circumstances of the agency. For example, some recruitment agency services may be exempt from VAT, such as the supply of staff for certain educational, welfare, or medical services.

If a recruitment agency in the UK is required to charge VAT, it must register for VAT with HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) if its annual VATable turnover exceeds the current VAT registration threshold, which is £85,000 (as of 2023-04-06). Once registered, the agency must charge VAT on its taxable services and issue VAT invoices to its customers. It is also required to maintain proper VAT records, submit regular VAT returns, and pay any VAT due to HMRC on time.

It’s essential for UK recruitment agencies to understand and comply with the VAT rules and regulations, as failure to do so can result in penalties, fines, and other legal consequences. Seeking guidance from a qualified accountant or tax professional with expertise in UK VAT regulations can ensure that the recruitment agency charges VAT correctly, registers for VAT if required, and meets its VAT-related obligations in compliance with UK tax laws.

IT support

Obtaining IT support is a crucial aspect of the recruitment agency startup checklist, as technology plays a vital role in the efficient operation of modern businesses. IT support involves having a reliable and secure IT infrastructure in place to support the agency’s day-to-day operations, including hardware, software, networks, and cybersecurity measures. This may include setting up and maintaining servers, workstations, and networking equipment, installing and managing software applications for recruitment processes, and ensuring data security and privacy through firewalls, antivirus software, and data backup systems.

Having reliable IT support in place can help the recruitment agency ensure smooth communication and collaboration among team members, streamline recruitment processes, and safeguard sensitive candidate and client data. IT support providers can also offer technical assistance, troubleshooting, and ongoing maintenance to minimize downtime and ensure that the agency’s IT systems are running smoothly and securely.

As technology evolves rapidly, having access to up-to-date IT support can also help the agency stay ahead of the curve and leverage emerging technologies to gain a competitive edge in the recruitment industry. Collaborating with an experienced IT support provider can provide the recruitment agency with the necessary technical expertise and support to ensure that its IT infrastructure is robust, secure, and optimized for business success.


Having a website is crucial for any modern business, including a recruitment agency startup. A website serves as your online presence and can be a powerful tool to showcase your services, establish credibility, and attract potential clients and candidates. It provides a platform to share information about your agency, highlight your expertise, and showcase testimonials from satisfied clients.

A well-designed website can also streamline your business processes, such as allowing candidates to submit resumes and apply for job openings online, and providing a platform for client inquiries and communication.

Additionally, a website can enhance your search engine visibility, making it easier for potential clients and candidates to find you online. Investing in a professional and user-friendly website can be a valuable asset for your recruitment agency, helping you establish a strong online presence and stand out in the competitive recruitment industry.


Branding is a critical aspect of building a successful recruitment agency startup. It involves creating a unique identity, image, and reputation for your agency in the minds of your target audience. A strong brand can differentiate your agency from competitors, establish trust and credibility, and make a lasting impression on clients and candidates. Branding encompasses various elements, including your agency name, logo, colors, fonts, tone of voice, and overall visual identity.

Consistency in branding across all touchpoints, such as your website, social media, marketing materials, and communication, is crucial to creating a cohesive and memorable brand.

A well-defined brand strategy can help you communicate your agency’s values, mission, and unique selling proposition effectively, creating a strong brand presence in the recruitment market and positioning your agency as a trusted and reliable choice for clients and candidates alike.

Terms of business

Having clear and comprehensive terms of business is essential for any recruitment agency startup. Terms of business outline the contractual relationship between your agency and your clients, including the scope of services, fees, payment terms, confidentiality, and other important terms and conditions.

They serve as a legally binding agreement that protects the rights and interests of both parties and sets clear expectations for how your agency operates. Well-drafted terms of business can help you establish professional credibility, ensure fair and transparent business practices, and minimize potential disputes or misunderstandings with clients.

It’s crucial to work with legal professionals or seek expert advice to ensure that your terms of business are tailored to your specific agency’s needs and comply with applicable laws and regulations.

Having clear and comprehensive terms of business in place can provide a solid foundation for your agency’s operations and help you build trust and long-term relationships with your clients.

Job boards

Job boards can be a valuable tool for a startup recruitment business. They provide a platform where you can advertise job openings on behalf of your clients and attract potential candidates. Job boards can help your startup recruitment business by expanding your reach, increasing your visibility, and attracting a wider pool of qualified candidates.

Many job boards have established networks and user bases, which can help you tap into a large and diverse talent pool quickly and efficiently. Moreover, job boards often offer features such as resume database access, candidate screening tools, and applicant tracking systems, which can streamline your recruitment process and save you time and effort.

By leveraging job boards effectively, you can enhance your agency’s ability to connect clients with qualified candidates, establish your brand, and accelerate your business growth.

Business Insurances

Business insurance is a critical component of the recruitment agency from various risks and liabilities that may arise during its operations. There are several types of business insurances that a recruitment agency may consider, depending on its specific needs and circumstances.

One common type of business insurance is professional liability insurance, also known as errors and omissions (E&O) insurance. This type of insurance can provide coverage for legal claims arising from alleged professional mistakes or negligence, such as errors in candidate placements, breach of contract, or failure to meet client expectations.

Another important insurance to consider is general liability insurance, which can provide coverage for injuries or damages that may occur on the agency’s premises, such as slip-and-fall accidents, property damage, or defamation claims.

Additionally, other types of insurance, such as cyber liability insurance, workers’ compensation insurance, and business property insurance, may also be relevant for a recruitment agency, depending on its specific operations, size, and location.

Having appropriate business insurance in place can help protect the recruitment agency from financial losses, legal disputes, and reputational damage, and provide peace of mind to the agency, its employees, and clients. It is advisable to work with an experienced insurance professional to assess the specific risks and liabilities of the recruitment agency and determine the most suitable insurance coverage to adequately protect the agency’s interests.

Get a Recruitment Specific Database / CRM System

Acquiring a recruitment-specific database or Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system is a crucial step in the recruitment agency startup checklist, as it can greatly enhance the agency’s operational efficiency and effectiveness. A recruitment database or CRM system is a specialized software that enables the agency to manage and organize candidate and client data, track job openings, automate recruitment processes, and facilitate communication and collaboration among team members.

There are numerous recruitment-specific databases and CRM systems available in the market, each with its unique features and functionalities. Some popular examples of recruitment databases and CRM systems include Bullhorn, Taleo, JobAdder, and Greenhouse. These platforms offer a wide range of capabilities, such as candidate sourcing, applicant tracking, resume parsing, interview scheduling, client management, analytics and reporting, and integration with other HR and payroll systems.

By utilizing a recruitment-specific database or CRM system, the agency can streamline its recruitment processes, efficiently manage candidate and client relationships, automate administrative tasks, and gain insights through data analysis. This can result in improved productivity, faster time-to-fill for job openings, better candidate and client experiences, and ultimately, increased business success for the recruitment agency. Selecting and implementing the right recruitment database or CRM system that aligns with the agency’s needs and goals can be a strategic investment that drives operational excellence and competitive advantage in the recruitment industry.

Costings and Finance

Managing the financial demands of a recruitment agency startup can be challenging, especially if you don’t have ample funds to set up the business and act as a buffer during the initial years. Many startups and entrepreneurs may not have the luxury or desire to invest all their personal funds into the business. Additionally, as a recruitment agency, the timing of invoice payments from clients may not align with the need to pay workers, resulting in frequent cash flow challenges. Startups, in particular, may struggle to secure bank loans due to limited credit history and may find invoice factoring, a common financing option, costly and providing only partial access to invoice amounts upfront.

However, there are alternatives to consider, such as recruitment invoice financing, which offers 100% financing of the invoice amount without requiring a credit eligibility check. Unlike traditional bank loans or invoice factoring, invoice financing can provide more flexibility for startups to access the funds they need to manage their financial demands effectively. With no credit check requirements, it can be a viable option for startups with limited credit history.

Exploring different financing options and consulting with financial professionals can help startups navigate the financial challenges of running a recruitment agency and find the most suitable solution for their specific needs.

Back Office

Streamlining your back office operations through automation can greatly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of running your recruitment agency. Back office management solution encompasses all aspects of payroll management, invoicing software, and workforce management, allowing you to focus on client satisfaction and business growth.

Rest assured that your invoices are securely sent and collected on your behalf, while your payroll and timesheets are processed, P45s issued, and you can easily access your online portal to check in whenever you like.

Back office automation, you can have peace of mind knowing that your agency’s administrative tasks are taken care of, leaving you more time to dedicate to strategic business initiatives.

Get a Mentor or Non Exec

Having a mentor or non-executive director can be highly beneficial for a startup recruitment business. A mentor or non-exec can provide you with valuable guidance, insights, and industry knowledge that can help you navigate the challenges and complexities of running a recruitment agency. They can share their experiences, provide advice on strategic decision-making, and help you avoid common pitfalls.

A mentor or non-exec can also act as a sounding board for your ideas, offer constructive feedback, and provide a fresh perspective. Additionally, a mentor or non-exec can open doors to new opportunities, introduce you to potential clients or partners, and help you build a professional network.

Their mentorship and expertise can accelerate your learning curve, increase your confidence, and improve your chances of success as a startup recruitment business owner.

Finding Your Client Base

Once your recruitment agency is up and running, your client base is likely to grow organically, unless you have some pre-existing leads. However, for most startup agencies, the challenge lies in finding potential clients and candidates. Networking, both online and offline, is a crucial strategy that doesn’t require a significant financial investment.

Take the time to connect with relevant professionals in your industry and work those circles to build relationships. Social media platforms such as LinkedIn recruiter and Twitter can be excellent tools to focus your attention on, but don’t overlook Instagram and Facebook, especially if they are relevant to your target industry.

By leveraging social media and networking effectively, you can expand your reach and attract potential clients and candidates to your recruitment agency.


In conclusion, setting up and running a recruitment agency requires careful planning and execution. From choosing the right business structure and name to securing financing, obtaining necessary insurance coverage, and implementing efficient back office automation, there are many considerations to ensure a smooth startup checklist process.

Additionally, building a strong client base through effective networking and leveraging social media can be critical to the success of your agency. While challenges may arise, such as managing cash flow and overcoming financial demands, with careful preparation and strategic implementation, your recruitment agency can thrive and achieve your business goals.

Consider seeking professional advice and support, such as from qualified accountants and IT experts, to ensure your agency is on the right track from the start. With determination, perseverance, and a well-thought-out plan, your recruitment agency startup can flourish in the competitive business landscape and allow you to tick off your checklist.

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Business Finance specialist at Invoice funding

Seasoned professional with a strong passion for the world of business finance. With over twenty years of dedicated experience in the field, my journey into the world of business finance began with a relentless curiosity for understanding the intricate workings of financial systems.

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